Dress for the Wedding

So, I am switching up roles this weekend…I am taking a break from planning a wedding and I will be a guest at our friends’ wedding.  This is the first wedding I have been to since getting engaged and boy has my perspective changed.  Knowing all that goes into the BIG day, I can’t wait to dispense a copious amount of praise for all of the planned details, lol! But, really isn’t that what makes it all worth it! Seeing your vision come together and having your guests appreciate it :)

Anyway, while preparing for our friends’ wedding and answering the all important question what am I going to wear…I stumbled upon this website DressForTheWedding.com IT AWESOME! It kind of reminds me of Polyvore.com but it specializes in weddings…just what I was looking for. If any of you will be attending a wedding this fall there are a multitude of ideas to get the creative juices flowing.  Here are some of my favorites:


orange fall wedding

Fall Outdoor Wedding Guest Attire

outdoor fall wedding


classic dress for the wedding guest

Flowers and Centerpieces and Bouquets, Oh My!

Gotta love a good Wizard of Oz reference.  Really though, OH MY! There are definitely moments when I think I would rather deal with lions, and tigers, and bears than figuring this all out, haha!  Not really I love it!  But, once again there are just so many options when it comes to wedding anything but, my most recent discovery is wedding day flowers.  I just set up my first wedding flower consultation and in an attempt to be somewhat prepared I started the research process.  Well, not really started more or less fine tuned.  I don’t think I am alone with the brides-to-be out there but, once I fell in love with Mr. Chadwick I began a Pinterest board of all things wedding.  Check it out here.  It does seem to be an overall trend with my whole wedding planning process to pin just about anything that inspires me in the slightest.  Someone needs to chilax out there in the wedding industry world with all of this creativity there are just so many ahmazing things to pin.  Its overwhelming!

Overwhelming, check. I must admit while overwhelming it is at the same time kind of awesome!  When you really think about it and take a few deep breaths it is awesome because you can really create something so unique to you, which I love!  Breathe, check. Awesome, check.

Ok now that I am somewhat collected and no longer on the edge of another wedding day planning panic attack (trust me ladies there will be multiples and that’s ok it’s totally normal, well it has been the norm for me anyway) I will share with you some of the wedding day flower inspiration that I pulled from my Pinterest board and more that fit more in align with what we have planned for the BIG day:

First Major Decision Made: The Venue

YAY! I can’t even begin to tell you how excited, relieved, happy, joyful, ecstatic, every happy adjective there is… I feel to have decided on our venue.  I was never the type of girl that dreamed about her wedding day since I was a little girl.  In all honesty I didn’t really think marriage was for me until I met Mr. Chadwick.  So, when looking for a venue I had no idea where to begin.  We looked at old mansions, farms, the Maryland Science Center, the list goes on…

But, when we arrived at our venue of choice we both we’re grinning like idiots.  I kept saying, this is really pretty, this is really pretty, haha! Chadwick couldn’t help but to join in the fun.  We have decided to say, “I do” at the Liriodendron Mansion in Bel Air, MD.  I think what made us fall in love was the combination of old world charm, beautiful grounds, and the fact that they use some of the rooms as art galleries, how cool is that?!?  I think what made Chadwick fall in love with the Liriodendron was all of the above as well as the great price, seriously ladies it is affordable.  If there are any brides-to-be out there struggling to find a beautiful venue in the Baltimore area that they can afford, look no further that the Liriodendron,  not to mention that Dorothy the woman who manages the events is a doll.  She is really sweet and she’ s British, which is just an added bonus for anglophiles like myself.

So, without further ado let me introduce you to the Liriodendron..




Venues, Venues and more Venues

There are way too many beautiful options when it comes to wedding venues.  Who knew?! Certainly not this lady!!

Luckily for the Mr. and I we have come to an early decision to keep the wedding outdoors. So that has eliminated a lot of choices but, there are still way too many.  It’s a little overwhelming.  I must admit.  I have been doing some preliminary research online.  Along the way I have been sharing little bits and pieces of the good stuff with Chadwick and I feel blessed that he is so receptive and has a lot to contribute.

I guess the biggest problem for me is my borderline stubborn commitment to not have a typical wedding…I am so determined to have our fete be so uniquely us that everyone leaves our celebration saying this was a wedding unlike any other.   My goal is not being the best wedding ever and certainly not the most elegant and no where near the most expensive, but the most US!  As most of my friends and family will agree I have a big personality and Mr. Chadwick is right up there with me with his, so I want to make sure I do both of us justice.

So far this is some of the inspiration that has gotten the wheels turning as to where to host our beautiful day:

The gorgeous Victorian rose garden at Antrim 1844, a classic choice.

The gorgeous Victorian rose garden at Antrim 1844, a classic choice.

The rooftop terrace at the Maryland Science Center, a more urban, funky  spot.

The rooftop terrace at the Maryland Science Center.  A more urban, funky spot.

Roop's Mill, a hometownish historic landmark in Carroll County.  When the Mill was deserted I always hoped someone would restore it and they have and it's beautiful.

Roop’s Mill, a hometownish historic landmark in Carroll County. When the mill was deserted I always hoped someone would restore it and they have. And it’s beautiful! Plus, Mr. Chadwick has spoiled me with the Spa treatments here so, it’s been a special place for us.

Chadwick and I have both enjoyed frequenting the Baltimore Farmer's market and supporting local farmers.  Plus, it's a true homage to both of our families.

Farm to table: Chadwick and I have both enjoyed frequenting the Baltimore Farmer’s market and supporting local farmers. Plus, it’s a true homage to both of our families’ histories.

If any of brides or grooms out there have some advice on what helped you choose a venue PLEASE SHARE!!

Inspiring Photos Forever

Inspiring People

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After my 105 pound weight loss, I started this blog to inspire and motivate others to live a healthy lifestyle!


DIY Wedding Invitations For Your Perfect Day

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"She lets her imagination run away with her"