Lots of Little Decisions

We are smooth sailing with the wedding plans with lots of little decisions…nothing truly blogworthy on their own but, progress nonetheless.  Here’s the low down:


How cute are these dresses for our little ring bearers?! We are going to customize them so, they will look a little different but aren’t they lovely?! Can’t wait!!

Wedding Make-Up

I’m no good with make-up.  I’m lucky if I have concealer and mascara on…every once in a while I try to push myself and wear lipstick, but that’s not very often.  My first make-up trial isn’t until August so, I have plenty of time to make-up my mind (ba-dum-pump chsh). But, I honestly have no idea what to do for the BIG day.  I’ve been trying to source some inspiration from the million wedding photos online, but nothing has really sparked my interest.  Plus, our wedding will be in the morning, so I don’t want it to be too over the top for our daytime soiree.

Like I have mentioned before our venue has greatly set the tone of our wedding so, one thought was to incorporate some of the 1920s make-up trends.  Maybe- lips painted in the shape of a cupid’s bow, kohl-rimmed rounded eyes, or bright cheeks brushed with bright red blush.  But, at the same time I don’t want to appear like I’m an extra on the set of The Great Gatsby.  The beauty of make-up being stylized over time, is that we can take it, tweak it, and interpret it to fit a more modern look.

So, through all of the “research” I’ve done here are some of the looks that have got me thinking:

1 2 3 4 5


A Love Affair with Envelope Liners

So, I don’t think that this is news to anyone but…I am obsessed with envelope liners(see here, here).  This weekend the obsession was back in full force.  We are just about finished getting our updated save the dates ready to mail out and I wasn’t planning on doing envelope liners, but I just couldn’t help myself.  I love the way it looks! When we were out and about this weekend picking up our envelopes at PaperSource we overheard a newly engaged bride-to-be inquiring about the how-to on envelope liners and I knew I wasn’t alone in my obsession.  I love how the new Save the Dates came out and a lot of that had to do with the envelope liners.  I will reveal them soon!  I have a feeling you’re going to love them too…

There are really a million options when it comes to envelope liners.  You can choose a beautiful specialty paper, you could create your own and print them out on your home computer, you can use rubber stamps to create something unique, or my personal, budget-friendly option wrapping paper!

1, 2, 3, 4

DIY or Buy?

Flowers…can you DIY them? Sure you definitely can! But, should you…umm I think not.  I am always trying to do something a little different in my everyday life.  If that means try a new hat, a new lipstick, whatever…so I was hell bent on doing something different with almost every aspect of my wedding.  Not excluding my flowers! I had soooo many ideas.  First it was paper flowers.  Granted, I think they turned out beautifully:

Paper Flowers

The rose on the left was rather simple I just followed this incredibly easy template by the elli blog. So, I got cocky and decided to try the ranunculus template… 4 hours later I got what sort of resembled a ranunculus bloom, the flower on the right.  While it was an interesting project and I was pretty impressed with the results, I don’t have the time for that.  Plus, the more I thought about it flowers were not something I wanted to eliminate.  Nothing can compare to the natural beauty, the fragrance, or the countless hours of my life that I would never get back if I made all of my flowers, LOL! So I say flowers are a definite BUY in my book.

Thank You & A New Wedding Date


Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers.  Our venue finally got back with us and we have been able to just push the wedding back a few months.  What are a few months when we will have the rest of our lives together? Right!?

We have been so strong for each other through this.  The experience has given both of us more confidence in who we will be as a married couple: a great team! They say everything happens for a reason and I think this has shown us that.

Onto a brighter note, now I have a few more months to fit in some fun DIY projects that I was going to scrap because we were running out of time! We started them right away, together!  It was both personally therapeutic and at the same time great for our relationship.  I can’t wait to share them with you.  Until then the new countdown begins.  09.13.14 will be here before we know it!

Wedding Date TBD

Hey guys! Time for some real talk…the Mr. lost his job, which is obviously a really difficult, stressful experience.  Then you add-in the fact that we are planning for and paying for the majority of our wedding and you have your basic nightmare.  The past few days we have been frantically trying to make our wedding date work and figure out a plan to survive on just one income. But, in life something has got to give and it looks like it is going to be the wedding date.  Obviously, we are both devastated! While we are more excited than anything to get married, we want to make sure we are financially responsible and delaying the wedding is really the only option.  It is really important for us to start our marriage together without resorting to adding any debt to make it happen.  If we are lucky it will just be a few months, but we haven’t gotten a final answer from our venue yet.  So keep us in your thoughts & prayers.  We will update everyone with more info as we get it.

Hopefully, I can glean some sound advice to other brides-to-be out there to help you prepare for something like this as we go through it all and turn it into some great blog posts.  I am trying to be positive…indulge me.

Writing Your Own Wow Vows


One of the things that was really important to me about planning our wedding ceremony from the beginning has been writing our own vows.  For me the traditional vows are beautiful but, a bit impersonal.  Plus, I think there is something so intimate about sharing your heart with your soon to be spouse.   The love we feel is always there but, we don’t always take the time to say it nearly as often as we should.  I started working on my vows almost immediately after getting engaged.  Finding the right balance of sweet, funny, personal, and short is much more challenging than I thought.  So, I started poking around online for some inspiration which is when I found The Wow Vow.

The Wow Vow is a personalized vow writing or rewriting service that aids you in writing the promise you make to one another – simple and pure in meaning, but often times the hardest to write.

Karen Leigh Hopkins is an Emmy nominated and Humanitas Award winning screenwriter, known most for her work in films like ‘Stepmom’ and ‘Because I Said So.’ As part of The Vow Wow service she will get to know you on a personal level and guide you through the vow writing process. Most importantly, she will help you say what you mean and mean what you say.

After all, with all the time, money, and promise put into your BIG day, you don’t want to not say all that you wished you had. You deserve that, so does your partner, and anyone else lucky enough to witness such a life affirming, and life changing vows. They should be left saying only one word – ‘Wow.’

While, I didn’t hire The Wow Vow I did get a lot of inspiration from their portfolio and their general approach to writing some of the most important words of your life.  Check our The Wow Vow here if you are in need of some inspiration like me.

DIY or Buy?

The wedding dress…I NEVER, NEVER…EVER thought I would be DIYing my wedding dress.  But, after going to several bridal boutiques and just not finding the right dress…I finally said yes to my Mom’s dress albeit with a bit of a DIY element.  Obviously I am not going to be able to go at this project alone so, I have enlisted the help of a professional.  However, I still consider this a DIY project because believe it or not if you are going to be embarking on this journey you are INVOLVED! Much more involved than I originally anticipated, but I have been loving every second of it!

The design has been a work in progress…and I feel like every time I meet with our dressmaker it gets better.  This past Saturday my Mom and I went for another fitting and it is just coming along beautifully.  I am so excited! I can already tell this is going to be one of my most adored elements of our BIG day!

So, in my experience this was a definite DIY.  I think it goes without saying that it is a very personal choice.  However, I will say it’s important to make sure you are open to options that you may not have thought were for you…because they may be better than you could have ever imagined.

Here’s a little sneak peek of the dress…


The Best is Yet to Come

You came along and everything started to hum
Still it’s a real good bet, the best is yet to come!

2014 is here and the countdown begins! The BIG Day will be here before we know it!  There are less than 20 weekends left until the wedding…WOW! The best is yet to come! This year is going to be filled with so many incredible adventures.

I always love heading into the new year feeling like life is full of opportunities.  Anything is possible!  And new years is a great reminder of that.  So I thought I would share with you a few of my resolutions for 2014.


DIY or Buy?

Hello there! It’s been a while.  The holidays were just absoultely lovely.  The Mr. and I spent some quality time with his family up in Vermont this Christmas.  It was filled with love, laughs, a Christmas day hike, board games, and so much more.

While, it’s tough to come back to reality after the holidays I am excited to be back to share with you some escort card inspiration.  Escort cards can be a bit boring…and they are really the first impression of your wedding reception.  So I advise you to not let the first impression be boring.  You could buy some folded cards & then have a calligrapher do the rest.  It’s classic.  But, I recommend to add a little more personality with a quick DIY.  There are so many different ways to spruce up this element of your wedding so, don’t bow out…get creative!

I love our escort “cards,” well they aren’t really cards but, anyway I love them! They have a bit of whimsy, the display fits in with our art deco theme, and they were made by yours truly. I can’t wait to share them with you, but until then here are some other great ideas to get your wheels turning:


Beverage Escort Cards


Pancake Escort Cards


Pick Your Posies Escort Cards 

Inspiring Photos Forever

Inspiring People

pretty little loser 22

After my 105 pound weight loss, I started this blog to inspire and motivate others to live a healthy lifestyle!


DIY Wedding Invitations For Your Perfect Day

The Sparkly Blog


whimsy and whit

"She lets her imagination run away with her"